list of classical problems

2148    Candy III CANDY3 20416 25.31
2149    Biased Standings BAISED 3529 33.32
2150    Counting Subsequences SUBSEQ 1025 29.52
2151    Digital Calculator CALCULAT 22 5.81
2152    Hilbert Curve FRACTAL 13 19.02
2153    Internet is Faulty IMATCH 64 41.34
2154    Kruskal KRUSKAL 83 14.81
2157    Anti-Blot System ABSYS 12934 45.25
2159    Delicious Cake CAKE3 29 16.00
2160    Here-There HERE 27 26.63
2161    Pixel Shuffle JPIX 29 19.57
2162    Towers of Powers TOWER 28 19.72
2185    Musical Optimization MUSIC 69 42.36
2189    Making Pairs MKPAIRS 44 16.21
2202    Tan and His Interesting Game TAN1 42 23.76
2371    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2 797 13.46
2415    Kirchhof Law RESIST 90 19.13
2416    Distinct Subsequences DSUBSEQ 3714 36.26
2417    Eliminate The Enemies ENEMY 22 26.79
2421    Incrementing The Integer ININT 50 23.55
2511    Magic Program IV MAGIC4 27 17.99
2643    Starcraft I SC1 54 22.25
2670    Count Minimum Spanning Trees MSTS 180 17.18
2714    Cow Cars COWCAR 652 37.24
2715    Glasnici GLASNICI 328 37.50
2716    Maximal Quadrilateral Area QUADAREA 6232 50.29
2734    Large party LARGE 34 24.35
2742    Summing Sums SUMSUMS 911 19.01
2743    Prefix Tiling PRETILE 163 27.96
2815    Increasing Subsequences INCSEQ 2152 28.11
2816    Common Subsequences CSUBSEQS 217 28.61
2817    Distinct Increasing Subsequences INCDSEQ 785 24.52
2826    Round-Robin Scheduling RRSCHED 643 36.38
2829    Time Limit Exceeded TLE 251 21.43
2832    Find The Determinant III DETER3 289 19.89
2905    Not a Triangle NOTATRI 5001 38.65
2944    Emmons SHOOTING 7 8.28
3070    How many subsequences SEQ5 94 9.74
3133    Here We Go(relians) Again GORELIAN 167 39.89
3184    Game of Lines LINES 1304 27.71
3195    Doors and Penguins DOORSPEN 238 27.22
3261    Race Against Time RACETIME 1088 24.58
3305    Roman Patrollers SA04C 46 59.46
3306    Very Special Boxes SA04D 109 31.33
3314    Umnozak UMNOZAK 105 29.17
3347    Cestarine HIGHWAY 59 34.31
3374    Scavenger Hunt SCAVHUNT 1366 50.36
3375    Stamps STAMPS 13727 41.75
3376    Parking Lot PARKINGL 138 20.05
3385    Yoda Goes Palindromic ! YODA 581 30.42
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